The course examines the role of the “project” relative to other aid delivery methods such as sector support and budget support used by the Donors/Development partners in pursuit of development cooperation objectives. An analysis of all the different phases of the project/programme cycle will be carried out to emphasis the methodology for preparing, implementing and evaluating projects and programmes. Particular effort will be made to bring clarity to the terminology used by the donors/development partners for the different stages for the project/programme cycle.
The 6 phases of the Project/Programme Cycle
Programming, which is the first phase of the project/programme cycle will involve an analysis of the process of setting broad national/regional/ sector policy objectives at the global/overall level. The links between these overall objectives and those of the Millennium Development Goals will be demonstrated. The Principles of the Paris Declaration, Accra Agenda for Action as well as the most recent update on Aid Effectiveness will be considered.
Following on from programming, the various techniques used in the Identification of projects/programmes from the prioritised list of overall objectives will be explored in the second phase of the project cycle i.e. Identification.
The third phase of the project cycle, Formulation will focus on designing and developing the concept of the project/programme and testing its logic and feasibility i.e. technically, socially and environmentally.
In the fourth phase of Financing, the contractual obligations between the funding agency i.e. the Contracting Authority and the Implementing Agency/party will be examined.
The Implementation Phase will involve outlining the stages of implementation with emphasis on what needs to happen in the three important stages of (i) Inception (2) Operational and (3) Phase out. The Principles of Monitoring will be discussed as well as how to design a monitoring system.
The Evaluation Phase will analyse the 5 main Evaluation criteria used by the major Donor/Development Partners (Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact and sustainability). The rationale as to why different Donors/Development partners use more or less than 6 phases in their project/programme cycle will be explained.